Returning Family Registration
Returning families, you already have USA Swim and OME registrations and logins. You do not need to re-do these steps every year. As part of your annual Plumas Rapids Swim Team registration, we renew your USA Swim for you in a bulk registration with the team.
The only step you need to take is to click the green registration button above. If you do not see a button, registration is not currently open.
New Family Registration
USA Swimming is the national governing body for the sport, the Sierra Nevada Swimming is our Local Swimming Community (LSC), and Plumas Rapids Swim Team (SN-PRST) is our local non-profit organization that operates our swim team program.
New parents need to complete Steps 1 and 2 below. Step 3 is optional:
1) Register your swimmer with USA Swimming using the link under REGISTRATION>USA Swimming LINK.
You need to create a log in. You will receive a USA Swim Card Number. The club code for our team is SN-PRST.
2) Get an account on to enter your swimmer into upcoming meets. OME stands for Online Meet Entry. Help page: OME swimconnection instructions.
3) Get an account on the to track your swimmers registration and all past swimming results. (Optional, but helpful)
Your swimmer(s) “exists” in all of this electronic world with a fourteen character USA Swimming Swim Card Number which consists of portions of first and last name, birthday, and sometimes other random characters needed to keep the User ID unique nationwide. There are links on the Swim Connection website Account screen to “renew” annual USA Swimming registration for existing swimmers or to “register” a new swimmer.
Note: Research the meets before you enter your swimmer; entry fees are not refundable. Check with the coach or other qualified team parent about which meets to enter and how if you are not sure. You can view the “meet sheet” online for information prior to entering. You can enter events and then scratch them at the meet, but again, there are no refunds.